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Parts List for IMT 7025 Crane

This is a list of the most common parts needed for an IMT 7025 crane. This crane is currently no longer being manufactured but parts are still available. Click the part number to check our inventory.

If you have any questions, please call 330-724-3055 or email and have your Model and Serial Numbers ready for fastest service.

Qty. Part No Description Notes
1 51713168 CORD REEL ASM- series 1
1 51720181 CORD REEL ASM- series 2
1 51713182 HANDLE ASM-W/E with 30 ft cord
1 70394183 TRIGGER ASM-RC for 51713182
2 77040371 SWITCH-TOGGLE for 51713182
4 77040372 SWITCH-TOGGLE for 51713182
2 77040373 SWITCH-TOGGLE for 51718182
1 77040374 SWITCH-TOGGLE for 51718182
1 70733883 TRANSM-RADIO REM TELE T150 radio transmitter
1 70733921 RECEIVER-RAD R is obsolete radio receiver
1 77041710 SWITCH-EMERGENCY/E-STOP for 70733883
1 70733889 CABLE ASM-33ft  
1 70731813 HOOK-SWVL 7EH  
1 71073035 HOOK-SWVL L322AN-5T W/LATCH  
1 95719347 DECAL KIT-TELE crane
1 95719348 DECAL KIT-BODY crane
1 95720187 DECAL KIT - TE 7025 only
1 9C242432 SEAL KIT-IMT 6 for cylinder 3C252990
1 73540057 VALVE-CBAL FAU for cylinder 3C252990
1 9C121617 SEAL KIT-IMT 3 for cylinder 3B305860
1 73054900 VALVE ASM-CBAL for cylinder 3B305860
1 73054934 VALVE-PROPN FL for VB 73733397
1 73054935 VALVE-RELIEF R for VB 73733397
1 77041291 SWITCH-LIMIT w/WISKER  
1 51719470 HANDLE ASM-55 60 66 W/SIMULT 40FT with 40 ft cord

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